A person holds a selection of pills and capsules in their hand, representing a complex medication regime.

Are you or someone you support having trouble staying on top of medications?

Are you or a loved one struggling to manage multiple medications and complex dosing schedules? Keeping up with prescriptions can be challenging, but our solutions are here to make it easier for both patients and caregivers.  

Introducing MDS: A Proven Tool for Better Medication Management 

Imagine a medication solution that feels tailor-made for your needs. Monitored dosage systems (MDS) provide just that. 

The MDS, which is also known as medication adherence packaging, compliance packaging or blister packaging, has individually sealed compartments for patient medications, organised by time of day and day of the week. With medications sorted by day and time, they’re like calendars that organise medications.  

Provided by your pharmacy, MDS solutions have been shown to improve adherence rates from 61% up to 97%. They’re especially effective for those taking many medications at different times.

Why Choose Monitored Dosage Systems?

Simplified Safety

With MDS, you can trust your medications are accurately organised by healthcare professionals and verified by a pharmacist. This eliminates the risk of confusion associated with filling plastic pill organizers for yourself or those under your care.

No More Guesswork

The MDS allows you to find every medication needed in one convenient package, while also easily keeping track of what pills have already been taken. It’s an organised and simple solution.

Calendar graphic with clock

Time-Saving Convenience

Life is busy, and frequent trips to the pharmacy can be a hassle. MDS offers a solution by packaging all your medications for the upcoming weeks in one easy-to-use blister pack. This not only saves time but also promotes consistent adherence.